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Luxury Appliances Are Worth the Price

Kitchens are the heart of the home

The kitchen is the host to gatherings, celebrations and are basically the command center of most homes. Smart appliances have increasingly become the norm even in moderately priced kitchens. Most mainstream appliance makers have rapidly expanded the availability of smart appliances. High end luxury appliance companies are also meeting consumer desire.

Why consumers spend more on luxury appliances
Luxury appliances are associated with great design and high costs. Many times luxury appliances are several times the price then mainstream appliance products and usually worth it.

Luxury appliances prices are accepted because they are often more durable. Luxury appliances can last three or more times longer than their more modest counterparts.

Ovens are generally better insulated and they feature more consistent and higher heat settings.

Ranges are usually bigger and come in 36, 48, and 60-inch widths.

Column-style refrigeration offers separate columns that function independently as refrigerators, freezers and wine/beverage coolers.

Convection and steam ovens are also available.

Luxury appliances are perceived to increase home value

Another advantage to purchasing luxury home appliances are it tends to help sell a house. Zillow real estate found that houses that specifically list “luxury brands” in their ads sell both quicker and for a higher price.

Expert service is critical
Luxury appliances owners often do their research online or get referrals through friends for good repair companies. They expect expert service and sometimes look for companies like Smith Brothers that specialize in Sub Zero and Viking.

Luxury consumers are willing to pay more for smart technology, different cooking features and great design because in the long run they will save if they are maintained with great service.

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