Bill Maher aired Arnold Schwarzenegger’s dirty laundry like, calling on the Maytag appliance company to replace its new Repair Man with The Terminator.
Maher pointed out on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher,” the incoming mascot is a departure from their long tradition of a doughy middle-aged Repair Man.
Maytag recently changed out its mascot with a rigid, youthful and straight-jawed Repair Man. Some, like Maher, might say he looks like an android.
“Someone must tell me what’s up with the new Maytag Repair Man. Is he human? Is he an android from the future? Did he time travel and kill the previous Maytag Repair Man?” Maher posed in his “New Rules” segment before going in on the punch line.
“If that’s the direction they’re going, they should hire Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Maytag Repair Man,” Maher said.
“Arnold has lived the role. We all remember the time he put a load in the dishwasher.”
Schwarzenegger, who is now 74 confessed 11 years ago that he had fathered a child with his housekeeper a decade earlier. The confession led to the divorce from Maria Shriver, his longtime wife and mother of his four other children.